“Yellowstone is a fragile place. It’s wild, but to keep it wild needs dedicated people.”
Please listen to this interview by WQCS radio host Dr. Ken Grey. Writer Ruth W. Crocker, photographer Steve Horan, and portrait subject Ashea Mills, share their insights on the meaning and motivation behind the People of Yellowstone project.
This is a 24 minute podcast, audio only: Lead image will appear for few seconds then screen goes blank. Click on image to hear interview.
Dr. Ken Grey’s wide-ranging approach to “maximum health” recognizes we need to be better stewards of this planet. www.peopleofyellowstone.com
Dr. Ken Grey AP,DOM Holistic Physician www.drkengrey.com Twitter@drkenkgrey
Holistic Physician on 88.9 fm WQCS
NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio People