The Book is Published! April 1,2017
This is not an April Fool's joke. For those that have heard us over the years talking about the People of Yellowstone book and anticipating its arrival, your wait is over. We have received from Elm Grove Press, our publisher, a full pallet of books to ship to supporters that helped make this book a reality. All copies to our supporters have been signed and shipped as of late March by Ruth and I. If you have not received your copy/copies and were a supporter at the Bison level ($50.00 or higher) please contact us and we will make it happen.
The People of Yellowstone book is now being distributed throughout the Yellowstone eco-system by Canyonland Books. See pic to right.
All independent bookstores in Livingston, Bozeman, Gardiner, Mt. have the book on their shelves available for purchase. West Yellowstone, MT. Jackson and Cody, Wyoming
will be added in the coming weeks. We are also proud to announce that Yellowstone National Park bookstores operated by Yellowstone Forever and Xanterra Resorts inc. have the book in stock. It is early in the season in Yellowstone National Park so please check with stores for hours of operation at various locations.